Friday, February 19, 2010

Baked 38 dinner rolls this afternoon. I double a Joy of Cooking recipe... substituting 1/3 whole wheat flour and 1/2 cup flaxseed for 1/3 of the flour. Neighbor uses flaxseed in things, too and read that you need to allow two hours between flaxseed and vitamins/medications. It leaches some of the good parts of the vitamins if taken too close together.
Walked dogs in light snow at 10:45pm tonight. A few stars showing in southern sky...dark clouds over us. Hard ice cracking underfoot as this, the 7th or 8th layer of snow appears. Crisp...about 24 degrees. Our bodies much more easily adapted to the lower temperatures.
Tiger Woods held press conference today. Looked like deer in the headlights. Seemed to be saying verbatum what he is learning in rehab. Difficult road ahead for him and his family. Impossible to know the outcome of his journey.
Wish him the best.
Health care update: h.c. summit next Thurs. 2/25...Senate may be able to do an end run with the public option. Sure hope so.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Texas Query

Today's email contained a query for a school program outside of Houston. We did programs at five schools in the same area three years ago. At the time, we were invited to help them as they integrated children displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Now the librarian who invited us then is working at a new school and wants to know if we are available in March, 2011.
We are thinking about this for a few days.
This librarian is the one who suggested that there is a need for a book that K-3 students can read independently about sled dogs. Lots of books to read to them, but none she could find that they could read themselves. When I returned home from this trip I wrote the book, Pixie: Sled Dog of Snow Park. We have been selling the book at programs and online for the past three years.